
Two papers about Wordom has been published - in 2007 on Bioinformatics and in 2011 on JCC:

Michele Seeber, Marco Cecchini, Francesco Rao, Giovanni Settanni and Amedeo Caflisch; Wordom: a program for efficient analysis of molecular dynamics simulations; Bioinformatics, 2007, 23(19):2625-2627

M. Seeber, A. Felline, F. Raimondi, S. Muff, Ran Friedman, F. Rao, A. Caflisch and F. Fanelli; Wordom: a user-friendly program for the analysis of molecular structures, trajectories, and free energy surfaces; J. Comp. Chem., 2011, 6(32):1183-1194; doi:10.1002/jcc.21688

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Wordom has been used and cited in a large number of published works. You can check the Google Scholar lists of articles citing the 2007 paper and the 2011 paper